Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.

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Version: Beta v1.1

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    Permeability Tests

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      Create Test

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      Test ID:

      Test Start Date:

      Rate of Fall (R):  /min

      Test ID:

      Test ID
      Test Label
      Test Start Date
      Technician Name
      Ambient Air Temperature  
      Permeameter Type
      Depth of Test (BGS)  
      Soil Texture
      Soil Structure
      Entry Input Method
      Soil Sorptive Number (⍺*)  ⁻¹
      Well hole radius (a)  
      Height of ponded water in well (H)  
      H/a value
      Shape function (C)

      Manually set rate of fall
      Rate of fall (R)  /min
      Rate of fall calculation type

      Temperature Correction
      Temperature Correction Factor
      Adjusted Rate of Fall (R)  /min
      Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs)  

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